Dr. Ted Su had several decades of experiences serving the process industries aound the world since 1984. He received his BS & MS degrees in Chemical Engineering from National Taiwan University in 1982 and from the University of South Carolina in 1988, respectively. He earned his Ph.D. degree from the University of Maryland in 1992. Later, Dr. Su started to work at the Honeywell Technology Center in Minniapolis – specialized in Advanced Control Technology. He was also one of the key members of the ASM® Consortium during this time. In 1997, he was relocated to another Honeywell office in California as an Advanced Process Control consultant and an instructor serving industries around the world. He left Honeywell as an Operations Manager and founded Profimation Inc. in 2004. Dr. Su published a couple dozens of articles in the area of Advanced Control and co-authored a number of technical handbooks. Citations to his early publications added up to more than 600 times in total. In 2014, Dr. Su invented a break-through technique to make a single PID controller for Multi-variables controls without needing to retune the PID. Patents were awarded in 2017 and 2018 (Patents: US #9541906B2, Taiwan #I621001, China #201410281718.2). The patented techniques were successfully applied in many projects for refineries and petrochemical plants.
蘇 鴻 德 博士 在 1982 年畢業於國立台灣大學 (National Taiwan University, Taipei) 化學工程學系,服完兵役後,任職中鼎工程公司儀電程控部門,曾負責台灣第一套石化工廠的 OTS (Operator Training System) 系統的開發及多項程控專案。他為提升個人技術水平,1997 年決定出國深造,在 1988 年於美國南卡羅來納大學 (University of South Carolina, Columbia) 化學工程學系取得碩士學位,接著在 1992 年於美國馬里蘭大學 (University of Maryland, College Park) 化學工程學系暨美國國家科學基金會 (NSF) 所屬系統研究所 (Institute for Systems Research) 順利取得博士學位後,便任職於 Honeywell Technology Center 擔任主任研究員,曾擔任著名的 ASM Consortium® 領導團隊中的有關製程 (Process Industry) 的主要領導人員,後陸續調任 Honeywell 加州 APC 部門 (Profimatics & Hi-Spec Solutions),最後擔任 Honeywell 亞太地區台灣分公司技術工程部門經理。於 2004 成立菩洛菲特科技公司,並與美國 Honeywell, AMT, CTC, 與 PAS 等公司結盟進行高階製程控制 (APC) 與高階警報管理工作。蘇博士在國際性論文期刊及會議,發表過數十篇學術論文,並出版控制相關技術書籍。蘇博士早期的論文被引用的次數總計超過 600 多次。蘇博士於 2014 提出了個革命性的控制技術,可藉由單變數控制單元達成多變數控制之控制器的功能 ,並順利在 2017 年取得多國專利〔專利字號:美國 #9541906B2、台灣 #I621001、中國 #201410281718.2〕,該專利技術已成功地應用於許多煉油廠及石化廠的高階控制專案中。
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